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Self Defense and Safety Tips

Self defense is not just about learning a few self defense techniques, it's about all the things we do on a daily basis to make our lives safer. This is a list of simple guidelines that may just help you realize some potentially dangerous situations. They may just trigger a sense of awareness in you.Alarms are the number one deterrent for burglars.

Fit Deadlocks on all doors and windows, do not leave the key in the lock but leave a key in each room in a place well known by all family Members in case you needed to get out in emergency.Dogs are a big deterrent to Burglars.Fit Security lighting at entrances to your home.Do you have a Neighborhood watch Program in your area?.You spend a lot of time at home - Make it a safe place.

Know the natural weapons that you can use that are probably already scattered around.Change the locks when you 1st move - you never know who may still have keys.Add Deadlocks to all doors and windows.

Keep these windows locked (Windows can be locked in a semi-open position).Train Hard / Fightwize.Every room should have an item that can be used as a weapon.Pens are great weapons, have one in every room.Make sure that you know a way that you could get out of every room in the house - via a window maybe, and what's on the other side of that window - Garage, long drop?.

The kitchen is full of weapons from knives to chemicals (oven cleaner, detergents).The bathroom can also have cleaners, perfumes, objects etc.A small toilet can also make a good safe place as you can sit and jam the door shut with your legs, there are also chemicals - Bleach etc, toilet brushes too.Laundry rooms also make an access way into your house, if there's a window in there make sure that it's locked, don't leave keys in the locks (Doors or windows).Keep the iron in the Laundry room as this can be a very effective weapon, especially when hot.Close your blinds at night so burglars cannot have freedom to look inside and see what you have.

Do you know your way around your home in the pitch black of the night?.Do not use your full name on your mailbox or in the phone book.Do not leave a schedule of your away times on the answering machine.If you're home alone, do not let strangers know, invent a room mate.

Know your neighbors in case of emergency.Do not allow strangers into your home to use the phone, offer to make the call for them.Ask for photo ID of repairs people. If necessary phone their Company to verify.Don't hide spare keys in easily accessible places.

Consider creating a safe room in your house with a separate phone line or Cell phone.Never give personal information out to telephone solicitors.Check whose at the door before you open it.Don't label keys with your name and personal information on them.

Always carry enough change to make a phone call.Join a Self Defense Program in your area and learn some Self Defense Techniques.Self Defense Techniques must be very simple to be effective under pressure.Know in your mind what you would do if you were ever attacked, go through some scenarios. Your plan should take into account avoidance or Escape and then attack if necessary.


By Malcolm Bale - 2nd Degree Black Belt in Jiu-Jitsu

Alberta Self Defence run classes and courses for Men, Women and Children. Learn Escape Techniques, Targeting and Striking, Ground Defence, Keychain Defence, Take Downs and Hold Downs. See http://www.

fightwize.com/Site-Map.htm.You may reprint this article on your website or in your newsletter provided this courtesy notice and the author name and URL remain intact. © 2005, fightwize.com.

Download our Free Self Defense Book: http://www.fightwize.com/self-defense-book.


By: Malcolm Bale


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